Articles (7)

How do I add money to my student printing account on PaperCut?

This knowledge base article describes the steps on how to add money to your student printing account on PaperCut

How do I make copies as a student on a copier?

This knowledge base article describes the steps on how to make copies using a copier

How do I register a blue fob to my student account in PaperCut?

This knowledge base article describes the steps on how to register a prox card to your student account in PaperCut?

How do I register a prox card on a Canon copier?

This knowledge base article describes the steps on how to register a prox card to your TCC account in PaperCut?

How do I scan to a USB device on a Canon copier?

This knowledge base article describes the steps on how to scan to a USB device on a Canon copier