Popular Services

Use this category to make requests for additional equipment, access and services

Request a network account for a newly hired employee.

Assistance for End of course surveys | Portal | ctcLink | Student printing credit | Tutoring | Office | Lockdown browser

For help with Canvas or your Hybrid/Online classes.

Report issues with college-issued computers, IT services, or other IT equipment.

Use this category to make requests for eLearning equipment and services

Request additional access for an employee that already has an existing network account.

How network accounts are secured as an employee leaves the college

Information on accessing the college's network from off-campus locations.

Request a laptop computer a new full-time employee.

If you are an employee and wish to change your preferred name, please complete this form to have your preferred name reflected in the college's various IT systems

Request a short-term checkout laptop or 360 camera and microphone.

Request a phone for a new or existing employee

Report issues with Canvas, Panopto, or other eLearning-related technologies.

Requests for Civitas

Link to request form for moving IT equipment to a new location.