How do I allow students to edit and delete their own discussion posts in a course?

You can allow students to edit and delete their own discussion posts by changing the settings from the Discussions page.

This setting can also be changed from the Course Settings page.


  • If you allow students to edit and delete their own discussion replies, you cannot view previous versions of their reply.
  • When a discussion is closed for comments students cannot edit or delete their replies.


Open Discussions

Open Discussions

In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link.

Open Settings

  Open Settings

Click the Settings icon.

Edit Discussion Settings

Edit Discussion Settings

Check the Edit and delete their own posts checkbox.

Note: Unchecking this option will restrict students from editing and deleting their own Discussion replies. This permission affects replies in new discussion topics, discussion replies, and discussions within course groups.

View Student Restriction

View Student Restriction

When you restrict the ability for students to edit or delete their own replies, students see the Disabled label next to the Edit and Delete options in the Options menu.

Note: If the ability for students to edit or delete their own replies is restricted in a course with Discussions Redesign enabled, the Edit and Delete options do not display in the Options menu.


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Article ID: 34117
Mon 7/24/17 2:41 PM
Wed 1/25/23 2:01 PM