How do I insert course files into the Rich Content Editor using the Content Selector?

Open Rich Content Editor

Open Rich Content Editor

Open the Rich Content Editor using one of the Canvas features which support the Editor.


Prepare Links

Prepare Links

Create your content in the Rich Content Editor. The file will be automatically inserted wherever your cursor is in the Rich Content Editor. You can either insert a link directly [1], or you can highlight text where you want to create a direct link [2].

Open Files Tab

Open Files Tab

Click the Files tab.

Insert File

Insert File

You have the option to link to existing course files [1] or upload a new file. Click the Upload a new file link [2] to add a new file to the course.

Upload New File

Upload New File

If you choose to upload a new file, select a folder for the file [1]. Click the Choose File or Browse button [2].

Select File

Select File

Click the title of the file you want to insert [1]. Click Open to upload the file [2].


Set Usage Right

Set Usage Right

If your institution requires setting a usage right for files, you must also select the Usage Right [1] and specify the copyright holder [2].

Upload File

Upload File

Click the Upload button.

Note: If the size of your file exceeds your course storage quota, Canvas displays an upload error. Talk to your system administrator or choose a different file to upload.

View File Link

View File Link

View your link in the Rich Content Editor. If you inserted the link where your cursor was located, the link displays as the file name [1]. If you highlighted text for the link, the link is associated with the text [2].

Save Changes

Save Changes

Click the Save button.

Note: When using the Rich Content Editor in Assignments, Discussions, Pages, and Quizzes, you have the option to Save & Publish. When using the Rich Content Editor in the Syllabus and Discussions pages, the Save button may appear as “Update Syllabus” or “Post Reply”.

View Content

View Content

View your file.

If your document is supported by the document previewer, you can preview the file by clicking the Preview icon.

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Article ID: 35974
Thu 8/24/17 3:00 PM
Wed 3/24/21 1:29 PM