How do I move multiple questions from one question bank to another?

Open Quizzes

Open Quizzes

In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.


Manage Question Banks

Manage Question Banks

Click the Settings icon [1] and click the Manage Question Banks link [2].

Open Question Bank

Open Question Bank

Open the Question Bank by clicking the title of the Question Bank.

Move Multiple Questions

Move Multiple Questions

Click the Move Multiple Questions button.

Move Questions

Move Questions

Select questions to move [1] and select the destination bank [2]. Then click the Move Questions button to move the questions to the selected bank.

View Questions

View Questions

Open the Question Bank you moved question(s) to and view the moved question(s).

Note: Changes to questions won't automatically update quizzes that are already using those questions unless you remove the question and re-add it.

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Article ID: 35898
Thu 8/24/17 12:38 PM
Thu 1/30/20 1:48 PM