The access report will show you:
- The content the user has viewed [1].
- The number of times the user viewed the content [2]. A view is counted each time a user navigates to the URL where the content resides or downloads an attachment.
- The number of times the user participated (if applicable, such as posting to a discussion or submitting an assignment) [3].
- The last time the user viewed the content [4].
To return to the User Details page, click the Back to User Page button [5].
Note: The access report is part of a course permission. If you cannot see some of these columns in the report, you do not have access to view them.
View Course Participation Content Icons

When a user navigates to course content areas from Course Navigation or views named course content, the following icons display in the access report:
- Assignments [1]: displays next to graded and ungraded assignments. Participation is counted if the user submits an assignment.
- Discussions [2]: displays next to discussions and announcements. Participation is counted if a user posts a reply. If the user accesses content from an announcement, such as an assignment, the Access Report displays a Discussion icon.
- Quizzes [3]: displays next to quizzes. Participation is counted if a user starts a quiz, even if they do not submit any answers.
- External Link [4]: displays next to external links (LTI) such as Microsoft365 and Conferences. Participation is counted for external links such as Collaborations and Conferences, but is not counted when a user participates in Chat.
- Pages [5]: displays next to content added as a page in the course. Participation is not recorded if a user views pages.
- Files [6]: displays next to views or previews of course files.Participation is not recorded if a user views files.
Note: The Access Report does not display a specific icon for groups. If a user accesses content from a group, such as a discussion or an assignment, the action is labeled with the appropriate content icon.