How do I manually assign students to groups?

Open People

Open People

In Course Navigation, click the People link.


Open Group Set

  Open Group Set

Click the name of the group set.

Confirm Groups

  View Group

Confirm you have created all the groups for this group set. If you need more groups, you can create additional groups manually.

Manually Assign via Drag and Drop

  Manually Assign via Drag and Drop

In the Unassigned Students section, find the student you want to add to a group [1]. Click the student's name and drag it to the group [2].

Manually Assign via Add Icon

  Manually Assign via Add Icon

You can also click the student name Add icon [1] and select the group name [2].

View Groups

  View Groups

Canvas will update the member count for that group to show the student has been added [1].

Continue to manually add students to groups until all students have been added.

To expand the group and view all group members, click the arrow icon next to the group name [2].

You can also move students between groups if necessary.

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Article ID: 35431
Thu 8/17/17 12:04 PM
Sat 3/14/20 3:20 PM