How do I leave comments for students in the Gradebook?

If you want to leave simple feedback for your students, you can leave a text comment directly from the Gradebook.

Open Gradebook

Open Gradebook

In Course Navigation, click the Grades link.

Open Grade Detail Tray

Open Grade Detail Tray

Locate the student name and assignment where you want to leave a comment. Click the Gradebook cell and click the Grade Detail Tray icon.

Add Comment

Add Comment

Type your comment in the Comments field [1] and click the Submit button [2].

Add Emoji

Add emoji

If enabled by your institution, you can add emojis to submission comments.

To select an emoji, click the emoji menu [1].

To use a recently used emoji, click the emoji from the recently used menu [2].

View Comment

View Comment

Comments will be listed in chronological order with the oldest comments appearing at the top and the newer comments appearing near the bottom [1].

To delete your comment, click the Delete icon [2].

Edit Comment

Edit Comment

To edit your comment, click the Edit icon [1] and make your edits in the comment box [2]. When you have finished editing your comment, click the Submit button [3]. The time stamp of the edited comment will indicate the comment has been edited [4].

Note: Edits to group assignment comments only apply to the student where the edits are made. Additional edits must be made in the Grade Detail tray for each student.


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Article ID: 34739
Thu 8/3/17 2:00 PM
Thu 1/26/23 11:34 AM