How do I upload a video using the Rich Content Editor as a student?

Open Rich Content Editor

Open Rich Content Editor

Open the Rich Content Editor using one of the Canvas features which support the Editor.

Open Media Comment Tool

Open Media Comment Tool

Click the Media icon.

Upload Media

Upload Media

Click the Upload Media tab.

Select Video File

Select Video File

Choose the Select Video File button.

Open Video File

Open Video File

Select the video you want to upload [1]. Click the Open button [2].

Upload Video File

Upload Video File

The status bar will show you the progress of your video upload. The speed of your upload will depend on your internet connection and the size of your video. Wait for your media to upload. Once the progress bar is full this window will automatically close.  

View Uploaded Video

View Uploaded Video

View your video automatically inserted into the Rich Content Editor.

Save Changes

Save Changes

Click the Save button.

Note: When using the Rich Content Editor in Assignments, Discussions, Pages, and Quizzes, you have the option to Save & Publish. When using the Rich Content Editor in the Syllabus and Discussions pages, the Save button may appear as Update Syllabus or Post Reply.

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Article ID: 38642
Tue 9/5/17 9:12 AM
Thu 2/29/24 9:32 AM