When a quiz is open to you during availability dates, you can view all available quiz information in addition to the specific dates the quiz is available to you. Availability dates may include a first available date (open date), last available date (locked or closed), or both dates to create an overall date range. The Due date may be before or on the last available date (if one is set).
In the example above, the quiz is available to you starting September 8 at 12 am and is due by September 15 at 11:59 pm. However, if you were to miss the due date, you could still take the quiz until December 9 at 11:59 pm for late credit. If you do not submit the quiz by the last available date of December 9 at 11:59 pm (as indicated in your local time zone), Canvas will automatically submit the quiz on the last available date. On December 10 at 12 am, the quiz will not be available to you.
Note: Quiz details do not show due and availability dates in relation to the current time. For example, if a quiz has an Until date of 11:59 pm and you begin the quiz at 11:30 pm, you will only have 30 minutes to complete the quiz. The same time restriction applies if you are taking a timed quiz. For example, if the Time Limit was set to 60 minutes but you begin the quiz at 11:30 pm, you still only have 30 minutes to complete the quiz. Canvas will notify you regarding any time restrictions when you begin the quiz.