How do I upload all student submissions for an assignment?

Open Assignments

Open Assignments

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.


Open Assignment

  Open Assignment

Click the name of the assignment.

Re-Upload Submissions

Re-Upload Submissions

Click the Re-Upload Submissions link.

Choose File

Choose File

Click the Choose File button.

Open File

Open File

Click the file name to choose the file [1]. Then click the Open button [2].

Upload Files

Upload Files

Click the Upload Files button.

View Uploaded Submissions

  View Uploaded Submissions

Canvas will confirm your files have been uploaded and associated with student submissions. If any files were ignored in the upload, those files will also be listed.

Note: Depending on your computer's operating system, your upload may include hidden files with a ._ prefix. Canvas will ignore these types of files, as well as any files that do not match the file name of any students' original submission.  

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Thu 8/31/17 1:59 PM
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