How do I leave feedback comments for student submissions in SpeedGrader?

Open SpeedGrader

Open SpeedGrader

Open SpeedGrader from any assignment, graded discussion, or quiz.


Open Student Submission

Open Student Submission

Use the student list to locate a student submission.

View Comments

View Comments

In the Assignment Comments section, you can post comments to the student. Any comments that have been made by the student also appear in this section.


View Group Assignment Comments

View Group Assignment Comments

Comments on group submissions that are not graded individually are sent to the whole group [1].

Individually graded group assignments include commenting options. To send your comment to one student in a group, select Send comment to this student only [2]. To send your comment to the whole group, select Send comment to the whole group [3].

Add Text Comment

Add Text Comment

To add a comment to the assignment, enter text in the Add a Comment field [1]. To expand the size of the comment field, click and drag the corner of the text box [2].

Add File Comment

Add File Comment

To attach a file to the comment, click the Attach icon.

Add Media Comment

Add Media Comment

To record a video or audio comment, click the Media icon.


Use Chrome Speech Recognition

Use Chrome Speech Recognition

If you are using Chrome, you can use the speech recognition tool to leave comments.

Submit Comment

Submit Comment

Click the Submit button.


View Draft Comment

View Draft Comment

If you navigate away from the SpeedGrader page or view another student submission before submitting your comment, Canvas will notify you that your comment has been saved as a draft. You can return to the submission at any time and submit [1] or delete [2] the draft comment. Comments cannot be viewed by students until they are submitted.

View Comment

View Comment

Comments will be organized chronologically with the older comments appearing near the top [1] and the newer comments appearing at the bottom [2].

Note: Depending on the size of your browser window, comments within the SpeedGrader Discussion box may appear to be limited. You can use the scrollbar within the Discussion box to view additional or longer comments.

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Article ID: 38489
Thu 8/31/17 1:54 PM
Wed 3/24/21 12:46 PM