How do I create a hyperlink in the Rich Content Editor?

Open Rich Content Editor

Open Rich Content Editor

Open the Rich Content Editor using one of the Canvas features which support the Editor.


Highlight Text

Highlight Text

Insert your content into the Rich Content Editor. Highlight the text where you want to create a hyperlink.

Create Hyperlink

Create Hyperlink

Click the link icon.

Insert Link

Insert Link

Paste or type the URL you want to link to in the URL field [1]. Click the Insert Link button [2].

Note: The text will flash yellow before turning into the hyperlink.

Save Changes

Save Changes

Click the Save button.

Note: When using the Rich Content Editor in Assignments, Discussions, Pages, and Quizzes, you have the option to Save & Publish. When using the Rich Content Editor in the Syllabus and Discussions pages, the Save button may appear as “Update Syllabus” or “Post Reply”.

View Content

View Content

View the link in your content.

Print Article


Article ID: 37717
Thu 8/31/17 12:28 PM
Thu 1/23/20 3:35 PM