How do I copy/move Panopto recordings from one course to another?

1. Copy

1.1.  Copying can be a useful way to move a session to a new or additional folder while preserving the original session location. 

1.2.  Choose the session you wish to copy and click on Settings (Fig. 1). 

User-added image
Figure 1

1.3.  Click Manage and select Copy (Fig. 2). The copied session will inherit the same permissions from the original folder. 

User-added image
Figure 2

2. Move

2.1.  Open the session Settings, and it will bring you to the Overview section.

2.2.  Click Edit and select the desired folder destination for the session to (Fig. 3).

User-added image

Figure 3

3. Move a Video Using Click and Drag

3.1.  You can also move a video session using click and drag. 

3.2. Open the Browse area and pin it open by clicking the Thumbtack icon (Fig. 4). 

User-added image
Figure 4

3.3. Click on the video you want to move and drag it to the correct folder (Fig. 5). 

User-added image
Figure 5

3.4. Click Ok (Fig. 6). 

User-added image
Figure 6

3.5. This will move the video to the new folder (Fig. 7). 

User-added image
Figure 7


Article ID: 35761
Wed 8/23/17 1:59 PM
Fri 4/2/21 2:53 PM