Here is a guide on how to add assignment types, pages, and files as module items?
You can add new or existing content items in Canvas to a module. You can also add an item to multiple modules, or multiple iterations of an item to one module.
When you add items to a Module, please be aware that the status of the Module overrides the state of the individual module items. You may want to consider leaving all Module items in an unpublished state until you are ready to publish the entire Module. Learn more about Draft State in Modules.
- Canvas will accept most media files as uploads. However, not all media files can be played within Canvas.
- When adding a restricted file type to a Module, please be aware that restricted files act as published files and may be viewable to students. Learn more about restricting files in Canvas.
- Numerous module items may affect performance. Modules supports up to 100 module items in the student progress page.
- If your course requires you to set usage rights for a file, you must set the usage right before you can publish the file in a module.
Open Modules

In Course Navigation, click the Modules link.
Add Module Item

Click the Add Item button.
Add Item to Module

Click the Add drop-down menu and select one of the following item types:
- Assignment
- Quiz
- File (document and media file types)
- Page
- Discussion
Note: Canvas will accept most media files as uploads. However, not all media files can be played within Canvas.
Add New Item

If you want to add a new item, click the [New] link [1] and type a name in the name field [2].
Depending on the item type, when adding new content you may be asked to complete additional fields.
Add Existing Item

If you have already created the item you want to add, click the name of the item. You can select more than one item to add.
Indent Item

Choose the Indentation drop-down menu to indent the item inside of the module.
Add Item

Click the Add Item button.
View Module Item

View the selected module item.