This guide is going to walk you through restoring a document or image that you deleted from the OneDrive folder. Whether you are online or using the files through your File Explorer in your computer.
Step 1: Log into your TCC email

1) Click on the group of squares in the upper right hand corner
2) Click on Campus Email
Step 2: Go to OneDrive

1) Click on the group of squares in the Upper left hand corner
2) Click on OneDrive
Step 3: Click on Recycle Bin

On the left hand side, click on Recycle Bin
Step 4: Select the file(s)

1) Click on the file of image you need to restore
2) Click on Restore
Step 5: Conformation of Restore

You will get a notice that the item was restored. It will be back to the original location you removed it from.
Restore from File Explorer
These steps will walk you through how to restore a file that you deleted from your computer.
Step 1: The Recycle Bin on your desktop

Open the Recycle Bin on you desktop
Step 2: Select the file

1) Left click on the item to select it
2) Click on Restore this item at the top of the window
OR 3) Right click on the item to get the pop out menu and left click on Restore
Step 3: Open File Explorer

Open your File Explorer and go to where the file was located
Step 4: File is restored

Confirm that the file was restored. If you had deleted the file from your OneDrive, it will be restored back to the folder on your OneDrive.