How to Use the Panopto-Zoom Integration

1. Start a Zoom Meeting

1.1. Join a Zoom meeting (Fig. 1). For more information on how to join please refer to Zoom’s support article: Joining a Meeting.

User-added image Figure 1 

2. Recording the Meeting

2.1. Once you’ve joined the meeting, hit Record if you are not sharing your screen (Fig. 2). Make sure, if you have both options, to record to the Cloud not locally.

User-added image Figure 2

2.2. If you are sharing your screen, open up meeting controls to start recording (Fig. 3). For more information on sharing your screen, please see the Zoom’s support article.  

User-added image Figure 3

2.3. Select More and then Record (Fig. 4).

User-added image Figure 4

3. Stop and Pause

3.1. Anytime during the meeting, you can Stop or Pause the recording under More (Fig. 5).

User-added image Figure 5

4. Accessing a Zoom Recording in the Panopto Library

4.1. Once your meeting has concluded or you’ve stopped the recording, it will be automatically uploaded to your Zoom account and Panopto library. You will get an email notification when the Panopto video is ready to view. 

4.2. If you have previously logged into Panopto, videos will be located in your My folder in the subfolder Meeting Recordings (Fig. 6). 

User-added image Figure 6

4.3.  If your Panopto Administrator has enabled it, you can change the folder your meeting recordings in your User Settings (Fig. 7).

User-added image Figure 7

4.4. If you have not previously signed into Panopto, videos will go to a default folder on the Panopto site, and you receive an email that includes a link to view the video (Fig. 8). When you sign in for the first time, your videos will be moved inside of your My Folder. Please contact your site administrator if you are not able to find your videos. 

User-added image Figure 8

4.5. Select the meeting that you just recorded to view it (Fig. 9).

User-added image Figure 9

5. Viewing Your Zoom Meeting

5.1. The recorded video streams from the Zoom meeting will be arranged for the best possible playback experience (Fig. 10). 

User-added image Figure 10

5.2. Panopto will add information about the meeting to the description of the video (Fig. 11). 

User-added image Figure 11

5.3. If audio transcripts are available for your Zoom meetings, Panopto will add them to the video as Captions (Fig. 12). Note: Captions will only be in imported for users with a Business/Enterprise level Zoom account. 

User-added image Figure 12

5.4. If chat occurred during the meeting, Panopto will add the chat to the Discussions area (Fig. 13). 

User-added image  Figure 13

6. Sharing your Zoom meeting 

Note: Your Panopto administrator may have implemented a setting where Zoom meetings will be automatically shared with participants. This setting can be adjusted by the Administrator by following the steps listed in How to Set Up a Zoom Integration.

6.1. Navigate to the Zoom meeting video in your Panopto account, hover over it and select Settings (Fig. 14). 

User-added image  Figure 14

6.2.  In the Settings window, select Share from the left-hand navigation (Fig. 15) 
User-added image Figure 15
6.3. In the section Invite people, select Add Meeting Participants to automatically add all meeting attendees to the entry box (Fig. 16). Select Send and save changes to invite the participants to view the meeting. 
User-added image Figure 16


7. Automatic Sharing and Routing 

Panopto users can set up automatic routing rules for any recurring Zoom meeting ID if their administrator allows it. This directs the recorded Zoom session to a specified folder. The folder may be shared with other users in advance, so meetings will be automatically available to those users. Panopto users may also specify the default folder for their Zoom recordings when advanced routing rules are not set. Note: This mapping will only work if the Panopto user with the mapping is also the host of the Zoom meeting ID used.

7.1. Select your username from the top right corner of Panopto.

7.2. From the dropdown menu that appears, select User Settings (Fig. 17). 

User-added image Figure 17

7.3. On the User Settings pop-up window, scroll to Zoom Recording Import Settings (Fig. 18). 

User-added image Figure 18 

7.4.  Select Add New to create a folder mapping for a recurring Zoom meeting (Fig. 19). 

User-added image Figure 19 

7.5. Fill out the following information: 
7.5.a. Meeting ID: input your Zoom meeting ID into the textbox (Fig. 20). 
User-added image  Figure 20 

7.5.bFolder Name: select the dropdown menu and select the folder to which you'd like this recurring Zoom meeting to be saved (Fig. 21). Note: if the folder you are seeking doesn't appear, you can start typing its name to search. 

User-added image Figure 21 

7.5.c. Select Save to save this mapping, or Cancel to exit without saving (Fig. 22). 

User-added image
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Article ID: 118362
Wed 10/14/20 4:26 PM
Wed 3/24/21 1:35 PM