Here are the steps and guide on creating an assignment folder in Panopto for students to upload their recording assignments as well as their proctored exams:
- To allow students access to the assignment folder, students must first be added as a view to the parent folder (Example: CU 105- 1234 Parent Folder), which will contain the assignment folder
- In the Parent folder, click on the gear icon on the toolbar on the right hand side to go into the settings for the specific folder
- On the left side click share
- Under the invite people section you can add students to the folder by typing in their name or email address (*if applicable)
- Under that make sure to choose "can view," you can then choose to include a message and can check the box to notify the students via email
- Make sure to click send and save changes
- On the left side click the Overview link
- Under the Assignment Folder section click on Create Assignment Folder
- Once the Assignment Folder is created, the link will appear with the name of the folder and the word assignments in square brackets (Ex: CU 105 [assignments])
- On the main page of folders, you should now see the assignments folder listed as a subfolder for the main class's Panopto Recordings folder.
- Students can now record and add their recordings to this folder.
- There isn't a specific exam proctoring option in Panopto, so you can utilize the assignments folder as a way for students to upload their recordings of their exam that they take
- TCC has an Exam Proctoring Software called Respondus, please click on the link below to learn more about Respondus Lockdown Browser:
Creating a Drop Box for Student Panopto Recordings (GUIDE)