How do I get help with the Student app on my iOS device?

Open Profile

Open Profile

On the Dashboard, tap the Menu icon.

Open Help

Open Help

Tap the Help link.

Report a Problem

Report a Problem

If you encounter a problem in the Canvas Student app, tap the Report a Problem button.

Create Subject

Create Subject

The Canvas Student app automatically creates a message that includes your Canvas URL and the version of the Canvas Student app you are using.

In the Subject field, you can create a subject line.

Choose Impact Level

Choose Impact Level

In the Impact field, tap the Choose One link.

Select Impact Level

Tap the text phrase that best fits how the problem is affecting you.

Send Message

Send Message

Compose your message in the text field [1], then tap the Send link [2].

Request a Feature

Request a Feature

If you have a feature you'd like to see in the Canvas Student app, tap the Request a Feature button.

Create Subject

Create Subject

The Canvas Student app automatically creates a message to the mobile team.

In the Subject field, you can create a subject line.

Choose Impact Level

Choose Impact Level

In the Impact field, tap the Choose One link.

Select Impact Level

Tap the Casual question or suggestion option.

Send Message

Send Message

Compose your message in the text field [1], then tap the Send link [2].


Article ID: 53625
Wed 5/9/18 4:40 PM
Fri 1/10/20 6:22 PM