How do I create a Quick Invoice?

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Creating a Quick Invoice

Navigation: Main Menu > Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Quick Invoice Entry

  1. From the Quick Invoice Entry page, click the Add a New Value tab.
  2. On the Add a New Value page enter the following information:
    1. BusinessUnit– The value should default.
    2. VoucherID– Leave the default value of NEXT (unless local business practice dictates otherwise).
    3. SupplierName OR ShortSupplierName OR SupplierID– One of the fields must be entered.
      • Click the lookup button for one of these fields to search for the supplier.
      • Conduct a search (such as Supplier Name Contains Fitness for example) to limit the number of suppliers returned.
      • Select a supplier from the search results.
      • The Supplier Name, Short Supplier Name, and Supplier ID fields will be populated based on your selection.
    4. InvoiceNumber– This is a required field.  Enter the invoice number provided by the supplier.
    5. InvoiceDate– This is a required field. Enter the date from the invoice.
    6. GrossInvoiceAmount– Enter the total amount due including all line amounts, freight, taxes and miscellaneous charges.
    7. EstimatedNo.ofInvoiceLines– Enter the number of invoice lines or leave the default value.
    8. FreightAmount– Enter if applicable.
    9. SalesTaxAmount– Enter if applicable.
    10. EnteredVATAmount– Leave the default value.
    11. MiscChargeAmount– Enter if applicable.
    12. TransactionCurrency– Leave the default value.
    13. Origin– Enter or select ONL (On Line Entry).
    14. QuickInvoiceTemplate– Leave the default value equal to Simple.
  3. Clickthe Add button.
  4. The values you entered on the Add a New Value page will be transferred onto the Quick Invoice page.
Quick Invoice
  1. In the InvoiceLines section, enter values to represent each of the supplier's invoice lines.

 Note: The number of lines that appear by default is controlled by the Estimated No. of Invoice Lines from the Add a New Value page.  Use only those you need (there is no need to delete unused lines) and add lines as you need them (using the icon). Enter the following values:

  1. Amount– Enter the line amount.  If you entered amounts on the Add a New Value page there may already be a value in the field; update it as needed.
  2. GLUnit– This value should default.
  3. Description– Enter a description.
  4. The remaining fields represent the chartfield string.  Whether you enter any chartfields is a matter of local business practice.
Invoice Lines
  1. Click the Calculate button (near the top of the page) to insure that your data balances. The system will sum all line amounts, add any freight, tax, or miscellaneous charges entered, and compare the resulting value to the Gross Amount entered. The value of the Difference filed should be zero. If it isn't, verify the values you entered.
  1. If you entered chartfield data, click the EditCombinations button (near the top of the page).  The system will insure that the individual chartfield values are valid and represent a valid combination.  If there are errors you will get an error message.
  2. Click the Save button.  A unique Voucher ID is assigned.  AP staff will review the data and run the Voucher Build process to generate a working voucher from the Quick Invoice data.



Article ID: 35619
Tue 8/22/17 10:50 AM
Mon 3/4/24 11:23 AM