How do I get accommodations for my disability?

Tags disability

You need to work through Access Services in order to get reasonable accommodations. The helpful staff in Access Services can answer all your questions about what the term reasonable accommodations means in your situation.  

Getting Started with Access Services  

The usual way to get started with Access Services is to stop by Access Services in Bldg. 7. If no one is available, make an appointment at a suitable time. You can alternatively e-mail some times to that you are available and they will e-mail back with the earliest available appointment.  

  • You can provide access services with a copy of your documentation concerning your disability.
  • Any professional that can attest to the presence of the disabilities will work for this process.  
  • Please contact Access Services each quarter about accommodations, in person or via e-mail.
  • It is preferable that you contact us before the quarter begins or within the first week.
  • Please access our webpage titled “Access Services” for information regarding your questions.
  • If you have any questions please contact us by email at
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Thu 7/20/17 12:09 PM
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