How to I activate my ctcLink account?

Here are the steps and guide on how to activate your ctcLink account:

You will get a prompt that you are being redirected:  Click OK

  • Enter your first and last name
  • Enter your date of birth
  • From the dropdown menu:  click and choose ctcLink ID (new)
  • Enter your ctcLink ID #
  • Click Submit


  • Enter an email address
  • Select a security question from the drop down menu
    • Type your answer to the security question (The answer must be at least 6 characters and may not contain a word from the question. The answer can not contain a space in the answer. For example, in the answer is "Hot Dogs" you would put in "HotDogs")
  • Enter your phone number for either the text or voice options for additional account recovery options (You only need to put in one number) 
  • Type in your password (At least 8 characters, including at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number. Special characters may be used but are not required. Do NOT use all or part of your first or last name as part of your password.)
  • Type your password again in the confirm box
  • Click Submit


Best practice is to close out of your browser, reopen a fresh page and go to: and log in using your ctcLink ID number as your user name. 


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Article ID: 158888
Tue 11/14/23 11:48 AM
Tue 11/14/23 11:48 AM