Keep growing and learning with Microsoft's Learning and Insights

Through the Microsoft App's Viva Learning and Viva Insights, you have access to over 10,000 free courses on subjects from ways to improve productivity and well being to how to do simple photo edits on your phone. What to know more about meditation? There are several courses for Mindful Meditation for work and life. 

Step 1:  From the TCC Portal, click on the group of squares in the upper right and then click on Campus Mail

Step 2:  Click on the group of squares in the left corner and then click on Explore all your Apps

Step 3:  Click All apps


In the list here you will find all of the Apps you have access to and you will find Insights and Learning:








Article ID: 158876
Mon 11/13/23 9:47 AM
Tue 4/9/24 12:44 PM