How do I view my Studio Video Quiz Results?

In your My Library click on the 3 dots option next to the video with the quiz and click on the name of the quiz

Click on the Quiz Results tab

You should see displayed the Item Analysis Quiz Report. It will show the high score, low score, average score, and average time of the completion of the quiz. A summary graph is included as part of the analysis. Click on the arrow icon to view more details.

You can view stats for specific questions in the quiz. You can see the answer frequency and the breakdown of student score percentages

If you click on the quiz reports drop-down you can change it to Student Results.

The student results page will show who has completed the quiz, the attempts, the grades, and the date and time spent on the quiz

Click on the Attempt link next to a students name you can view their individual attempt

You can see a summary of the individual student's attempt. This includes the percentage, the number of correct questions answered, and the time spent. You can also view the student's answers for each quiz question

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Article ID: 137599
Tue 4/19/22 3:40 PM
Tue 4/19/22 3:40 PM