How do I share media with users and groups in Canvas studio?



We can share our studio media video files with users individually and with our Studio groups. We can grant others once we share the ability to view or edit the media. Keep in mind any media shared with you will show in the Shared with Me Page. We can change or remove permissions at any point.

Allowing users to view the file is just like read-only status. Users can view the file and details. Allowing a user to edit the file gives them the same permissions as if they were the ones to upload the recording. 

Students can share media with instructors, designers, and Canvas admins. Students can share media with any other verified user within Studio and more importantly verified in Canvas. Instructors, TA's, and designers can share Studio Media with their individual groups. As long as the person you are sharing with is a verified registered Studio user, you can share it with them.

We can create Canvas studio groups that you can share a media file. We can also share our video or audio files through Canvas to multiple people at one time. If a quiz is added to a Canvas studio media recording then the quiz will not be shared.

To share your media, in the library you will click on the 3 dots and click share media. You will see the People tab, where you can enter the name of the person you want to share the recording with. Once you enter the name you should see the user's name come up. Make sure to click and select the user's name. Next to each person's name you can decide on their permissions. They can view the recording, edit the recording, or have the recording revoke access.

Click Update once you click to update the media will be shared with all the shared users.

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Article ID: 137582
Tue 4/19/22 3:18 PM
Tue 4/19/22 3:18 PM