How do I record a Canvas Studio video using a webcam?

We can record a Canvas Studio video using a webcam. There is no maximum length of time we can record, but generally, it is recommended keeping your recordings under 5 minutes, due to the limitations within a browser.

The webcam capture in Studio is only supported by Chrome and Firefox. If you use Edge, for instance, you will be asked to switch browsers. Make sure to grant access to the camera and microphone through your browser. 

To begin recording click on the record button and click on the webcam capture link.


Click allow to allow studio access to your webcam and microphone. Click the Start Recording button when you are ready to begin recording. When you are finished recording, click the Finish button.

Once it's finished you can click in the Title field and enter a title. Make sure to click the Save button. To re-record the video click the Start Over button 

Give the recording time to process. You can then click to view the recording in your My Library.

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Article ID: 137576
Tue 4/19/22 3:09 PM
Tue 4/19/22 3:09 PM