Computer Requirements for Using Studio

Canvas Studio recommends using a minimum screen resolution of 800x600. 

For Operating Systems you need to be using Windows 8.1 or newer. For MacOSX you need to be using 10.6 or newer.

Studio does support Linux and Chromebooks using the ChromeOS. Make sure your operating system is up to date.

Make sure to use a computer that is 5 years old or newer. You should have a minimum of 1GB of RAM and at a minimum a 2GHz processor.

For your Internet Speed, Studio can handle Internet speeds with low bandwidth. It is still recommended that you use a steady Internet connection. A minimum of 512 kbps is recommended. 

Studio can be used with ScreenReaders. A word of caution: it is not a 100% perfect synchronization. For Macs you can use the VoiceOver screenreader. For PC you can use JAWS or NVDA.

Studio inherits the language set through your Internet Browser. Studio is not supported on mobile browsers. 

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Article ID: 137571
Tue 4/19/22 2:44 PM
Tue 4/19/22 2:44 PM