How to Use Canvas Studio

In your course navigation on the left-hand side, you will notice the Studio option, it may be lower in your navigation that what is picked below so make sure you scroll down until you find it. Click on that to go into Canvas Studio. 


You will notice at the top in Studio that there will always be your Studio toolbar. On your toolbar, you will have the navigation menu itself, record media, add media, and search for media.

When you first open Studio it will default to the My Library page. This will include all of your uploaded content in Studio as well as your collections of recordings. They will usually be displayed in the order you uploaded or created the content. The content will be sorted from newest to oldest. In the navigation menu, you can click on the Shared with Me option to view any content shared with you within Canvas Studio.

If you click on the Navigation menu within Studio you will see any courses under the course media section that contain Studio Recordings.

You can also search for media content within Studio. You can search by titles, terms in the description, or words that match specific tags or the media content. When you create a recording in Studio you will have the option to add a description and tags.

You can click on the Add button to upload videos. You can also drag and drop video or audio files into the My Library page. We recommend having the complete file of the content media to make it easier to upload.

To record media content you can click on the Record button. Make sure to use your webcam if you desire to record a video.

To view videos in Studio, you can click on the picture of the Studio file. This will allow you to view the video, and edit any details, settings, comments, and view analytics.

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Article ID: 137569
Tue 4/19/22 2:40 PM
Tue 4/19/22 2:40 PM