The new prompt in ctcLink for setting up your Recovery Options

This is a guide to walk you through responding to the the new prompt for setting up your recovery options when you log into your ctcLink after October 1st, 2021.


1.  Log into ctcLink

  • Navigate to the myaccount Sign In page (
  • Enter your ctcLink ID into the ctcLink ID field then select the Next button

  • Enter your password into the Password field, then select the Verify button.

2.  Prompt to set your Recovery options

You will be required to set up all 3 of the options before you are allowed into ctcLink.

***If you don't have a Phone capabile of receiving a Text message, you can skip that option and pick the Voice option. The same applies if you do not have a Land Line or do not wish to get a voice call, you can skip that option and pick the Text option.  The Email and the Security Question are required.

  • Click Setup under 3 of the options


If you need to edit your options, here is a guide to walk you through accessing your profile and editing your answers.