How to Enter Student COVID-19 Immunization Attestation or Exemption

This guide will show you how to input your COVID vaccine attestation information into ctcLink.



1.  Login to the ctcLink Student Homepage

2.  Click the Immunization Attestation tile

     Screen showing immunization attestation tile

3.  In the Vaccination Details section

  • Select the Immunization or Exemption Type from the drop-down list and input the date received

     Screenshot showing options for immunization attestation or exemption

4.  If applicable, to input Second dose information, click the [+] icon then select the immunization type and date

     Screenshot showing second immunization attestation option

5.  Answer the Self Attestation section statement by clicking on the slider to display, "Yes I Agree."

     Screenshot showing self attestation agreement slider

6.  Answer the Disciplinary Action section statement by clicking on the slider to display, "Yes I Agree."

     Screenshot showing disciplinary action agreement slider

7.  Verify all information is accurate and then click Submit to save

     Screenshot showing submit button to save


!!! After clicking "Submit" your information will be saved, but you will stay on the page. !!!


8.  Information will be saved, but you will stay on the page.  Click the ctcLink Student Homepage link at the top of the page to return to the Student Homepage

     Screenshot showing button to return to ctcLink student homepage

9.  Updates can be made by returning to the Immunization Attestation tile in the ctcLink Student Homepage as needed.


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Article ID: 133880
Sun 8/15/21 9:37 PM
Mon 12/19/22 11:45 AM