How do I add another instructor or my chair as backup instructor in my Canvas course?

1. Click on People in the left navigation of your Canvas course.

scrrenshot of clicking on People in the left navigation of Canvas

2. Click the +People button.

The People page in Canvas.  Click the +People button.

3. Step 1 - Click the Login ID radio button.  Step 2 - Type the portal username of the person.  Do not use their full email address.

Step 1 - cliclk the login ID button.  Step 2 - Type the portal username of the person here.


4. Step 1 - Select the Role drop-down menu.  Step 2 - Select the TA/Designer role.  Do not choose Designer and do not choose TA - those roles do not have enough permissions for someone to continue teaching your course.  Step 3 - Click the Next button.

Step 1 - Select the role dropdown menu.  Step 2 - Choose TA/Designer.

5. Click the Add Users button.

6. Success.  It is okay that it says "pending" next to their name.  That person will now need to accept the invitation, but they will have access to your course now and be your backup.