How do I import only some things from my other Canvas shell(s)?


Have you ever wanted to import just some items from another course, not all of the other course content?  To do this, follow these instructions to import just one or a few specific items:


  1. Go into the current course you want the new items to be located in
  2. Click on Settings
  3. In the Course Details tabbie, click on Import Course Content link (far right navigation)
  4. At the Import Content screen, change Content Type to Copy a Canvas Course
  5. Under Search for a course, navigate to your other course where the specific items are located
  6. Under Content, put a mark next to Select specific content
  7. Click the blue Import button
  8. Under Current Jobs, at the far right of the other course label, click Select Content
  9. At the Select Content screen, expand the category or categories (for example Quizzes and Files or just Modules) by clicking on the arrow to the left of the category and put a mark next to the specific item(s) you wish to import to the current course
  10. Click the blue Select Content button and wait for the import to finish.



Article ID: 77871
Tue 5/7/19 7:51 PM
Wed 3/13/24 6:34 PM