The Submissions graph shows the status of each of your assignment submissions. The x-axis represents each assignment, while the y-axis represents the submission date. A green circle indicates an assignment that was submitted on time. A yellow triangle indicates an assignment that was submitted late. A red square indicates an assignment that is missing (not submitted). The diamond indicates the due date and the bar extends to the submission date. A white circle with a black outline indicates an assignment with a future due date.
If a submission includes a due date, the submission may include horizontal line. The line indicates when the assignment was submitted, while the shape indicates the actual due date. If a submission was submitted before the due date, the horizontal line is green; if it was submitted after the due date, the horizontal line is yellow. Submissions without a horizontal line either have no due date, or the assignment was submitted on the due date.
To view the details of the bar graph, hover over the specific bar you want to view. Current and past assignments include the assignment title, the due date (if any), the submission date, and the score. Future assignments include the assignment title, due date (if any), and the score.
Note: The Submissions chart does not include information about assignments that do not require a submission (e.g., not graded, on paper assignments) or excused assignments.