How do I use the Dashboard as a student?


Open Dashboard

Open Dashboard

In Global Navigation, click the Dashboard link.


View Dashboard

  View Dashboard

The Dashboard is your landing page in Canvas. Depending on your institution, your Dashboard may default to one of three views: Card View, List View, or Recent Activity View.

  • Card View: displays course cards for quick access to all your favorite courses (the same courses display in the Courses link from the Global Navigation Menu)
  • List View: displays all course to-do items in an agenda view
  • Recent Activity View: displays all recent activity for all courses

View Global Announcement

View Global Announcement

The Dashboard may also include global announcements, which are announcements created by your institution. To remove the announcement from your dashboard, click the Remove icon.

Change Dashboard View

Change Dashboard View

To change your Dashboard view, click the Options menu and select your preferred viewing option.



Article ID: 38581
Tue 9/5/17 10:50 AM
Wed 3/24/21 4:08 PM