How do I embed iFrame videos using the Rich Content Editor?


Open Rich Content Editor

Open Rich Content Editor

Open the Rich Content Editor using one of the Canvas features that support the Editor.


Open Insert Media Tool

Open Insert Media Tool

Click the Insert Media icon.

Insert Source URL

Insert Source URL

The media window defaults to the General tab.

To embed the video using a direct URL source, paste the URL for the video in the Source field [1]. The video's dimensions will automatically populate the Dimensions fields [2]. The Dimensions fields can be used to resize the video. If you want to maintain height and width proportions when changing the video dimensions, click the Constrain proportions checkbox [3].

Insert Embed Code

Insert Embed Code

To embed the video using an embed code, click the Embed tab [1] and paste the code in the text field [2].

When you use the Embed tab, the General tab will automatically update the Source and Dimensions fields according to the content in the embed code.

Insert Advanced Options

Insert Advanced Options

To insert advanced options for browsers that don't support the source video encoding, click the Advanced tab [1].

To specify an alternative source for the video, enter the URL in the Alternative source field [1]. Alternative source URLs can be used to specify a different video encoding in case the browser doesn't support the initial encoding offered.

To specify an image that displays until the user clicks the play button, enter the URL in the Poster field [2]. If the Poster field is blank, the first frame of the source video will be used as the poster image.

Note: Links from common providers (like YouTube and Vimeo) often link to custom media players and will not recognize any content added to the alternative source and poster options.

Close Media Tool

Close Media Tool

To close the media tool, click the Ok button.

Preview Video

Preview Video

Preview your video in the Rich Content Editor.

Save Changes

Save Changes

To save changes to your course content, click the Save button.

Note: When using the Rich Content Editor in Assignments, Discussions, Pages, and Quizzes, you have the option to Save & Publish. When using the Rich Content Editor in the Syllabus and Discussions pages, the Save button may appear as “Update Syllabus” or “Post Reply”.



Article ID: 35964
Thu 8/24/17 5:51 PM
Mon 5/24/21 7:41 PM