How do I enable grading scheme for a course?


Open Settings

Open Settings

In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.


Open Course Details

Open Course Details

Click the Course Details tab.

Enable Grading Scheme

Enable Grading Scheme

Click the Enable course grading scheme checkbox.

View Grading Scheme

View Grading Scheme

Click the view grading scheme link.

Select Grading Scheme

Select Grading Scheme

Canvas will show you the Canvas default grading scheme. If you want to select another grading scheme, click the Select Another Scheme link.


View Grading Schemes

View Grading Schemes

To view a grading standard, click the title of the grading scheme [1].

When you have located the grading scheme you want to use in the course, click the Use This Grading Standard button [2].

Confirm Scheme

View your enabled grading scheme. Click the Done button.

Update Course Details

Update Course Details

Click the Update Course Details button.



Article ID: 35928
Thu 8/24/17 4:06 PM
Sat 1/25/20 4:27 PM