How do I use Roll Call Attendance badges in a course?


Open Attendance

Click Attendance Link

In Course Navigation, click the Attendance link.


View More Options

View More Details About Student

Badges can be added and managed in any student's attendance information profile.

In List View [1], click the More tab next to a student's name.

In Class View [2], click the name of the student.

View Badges

View Available Badges

Any existing badges appear as buttons below the student's attendance information. All available and created badges are created for the entire course and will be shown for each student.

Add Badge

Create a New Badge

To add a new badge, click the Add Badge link.


Save Badge

Create a New Badge

Create a name for your badge [1], assign an icon [2], and choose a color to highlight the background when the badge is assigned [3]. Click the Save Badge button [4].

Manage Badges

Manage Badges

To edit any existing badge you created for your course, click the Manage badges link.

Note: When managing or editing badges, any changes made will affect the entire course, not an individual student. Additionally, you cannot manage any badges created at the account level.

Select Badge to Edit

To change the badge name, icon, or color, click the badge name [1].

To delete a badge, click the Delete button [2]. Deleting a badge will delete the badge for the entire course and all students.

Assign Badge

Assign Badge

When you want to assign a badge, make sure you are viewing the profile for the specific student who should receive a badge.

To assign a badge, click the name of a badge. The badge will highlight with the set badge color. To remove a badge, click the badge again.



Article ID: 35802
Thu 8/24/17 12:37 PM
Thu 2/29/24 2:20 PM