In the Grades page, you can see how a student views their grades in the course. Students can view the name of the assignment [1], the due date [2], the assignment status [3], the score or assignment submission type [4], the total number of points for the assignment [5], and any comments [6] and rubrics [7].
If allowed, the student can view distribution graphs in the assignment scoring details [8].
Students can also view their assignment group score totals and their total grade for the course at the bottom of the Grades page [9].
- The student's grades shown in the Grades page may vary from the grades shown in the Gradebook. The student's Grades page is affected by hidden assignments, outstanding manually graded quiz questions, weighted assignment groups, and weighted grading periods. The Gradebook always contains the most current and accurate information about a student's current grade.
- When your course includes grading periods, the student Grades sidebar displays assignment groups when an individual grading period is being viewed. However, groups only display if the groups are active as part of the selected grading period. An assignment group displays if the group has at least one assignment due for the student in the selected grading period.
- When grading periods are weighted and the All Grading Periods option is selected, the sidebar displays the weights of each grading period.