How do I forward a message from a conversation as a student?


You can forward conversations to other individuals in your courses.

If your recipient list contains more than 100 users, your message will automatically be sent as individual messages to each user.


Open Inbox

Open Inbox

In Global Navigation, click the Inbox link.

Select Conversation

Select Conversation

Select the conversation.

Select Message

Select Message

Hover over the the timestamp to view more options. Select the Forward option.

Note: You can only forward one message at a time.

View Compose Window

View Compose Window

In the compose message window, you can:

  1. Add recipients
  2. Type a message
  3. Attach files or media
  4. Click the Send button

Note: You cannot change the course or the subject line if you are forwarding a message.



Article ID: 33886
Thu 7/20/17 7:25 PM
Tue 1/24/23 10:08 PM