How do I add the TCC-Printing queue to a Mac OSX computer?


This knowledge base article describes the steps on how to add the TCC-Printing queue onto a Mac OSX computer



On the keyboard, press and hold down the command key + the K key

  1. Enter smb:// into the address field
  2. Select Connect


  1. Select Connect


If prompted:

  1. Enter in your TCC username and password
  2. Select Connect

Note: Do not include after your username



  1. Select PCClient
  2. Select OK


  1. Open the Mac folder


  1. Drag the application to the application folder


  1. Open the UFRII_v10.19.9_Mac folder


  1. Open UFRII_v10.19.9_Mac.dmg


  1. Open UFRII_LT_LIPS_LX_Installer.pkg


  1. Select Install


  1. Enter in your password or use touch ID


  1. Select OK


  1. Select Continue


  1. Select Continue


  1. Select Agree


  1. Select Install


  1. Enter in your password or use touch ID


  1. Select Close


  1. Select Applications
  2. Locate the and right click on it
  3. Select Show Package Contents


  1. Open the Contents folder


  1. Open the Resources folder


  1. Open the install-login-hook.command script


  1. Type the letter Y and hit enter key


  1. Enter in the local admin password


  1. Confirm process has completed


  1. Select Terminal in the upper left
  2. Select Quit Terminal


  1. Select the Applications folder in finder window
  2. Locate the and double click to install

Note: The installation does not provide any visual indication of the installation



  1. Select the Apple icon in upper left
  2. Select System Settings


  1. Select General
  2. Select Login Items & Extensions


  1. Select the + symbol


  1. Select Applications in the left pane
  2. Locate and select
  3. Select Open


  1. Scroll down in left pane and select Printers & Scanners
  2. Select Add Printer, Scanner, or Fax

Click "custom"



  1. Create a document to test print


  1. Select TCC-Printing
  2. Select Print


  1. Select the correct budget number
  2. Select Print


  1. Select OK

Now go to a copier and test if you can release the print job




Article ID: 164555
Thu 10/24/24 6:15 PM
Fri 2/28/25 12:14 PM