How do I install Lockdown Browser and use it on my Apple/MAC Computer?


respondus for mac


Here are the steps and video on how to install and use Respondus Lockdown Browser on a Apple/MAC Computer:

  • Click and Go to

  • Download the LockDown Browser installer package. Depending on the browser setting, it may download as "" where "-x-xx" is the current version number.

  • If the downloaded file did not automatically unzip, locate "" (usually in the Downloads folder), and double click on the file to start the Archiver to unzip the file.

  • Locate the "Install Respondus LockDown Browser xxxxxxxxx.pkg" to start the actual LockDown Browser installer. 

  • Accept all the default prompts to install LockDown Browser.

  • Go to Finder->Applications and double click on the "LockDown Browser" icon (a world globe with padlock) to start LockDown Browser.

CREDIT FOR VIDEO: Respondus Lockdown Browser



Article ID: 134476
Mon 9/27/21 2:53 PM
Mon 9/27/21 5:06 PM