How do I print in the Information Commons?

Here are the steps on how to print in the Information Commons:

  1. In your document or on the page that you want to print, go to the File Option and select Print.
  2. If you are printing a black and white document or page, please make sure to choose “Universal_BlackWhite” from the printer menu
  3. If you are printing a color document or page, please make sure to choose “Universal_Color” from the printer menu.
  4. Black and white pages are 10 cents a page and color pages are 45 cents a page. A double sided black and white page is 15 cents
  5. Once you click print, than this screen will appear:

  1. Make sure to type in your portal username in the top box. Example: JSmith12305
  2. In the box below that you can type a name for your print job.
  3. Click Print
  4. You can go to one of the designated print station in the commons. 
  5. The print stations will hold print jobs for only 2 hours.
  6. When you go to the print station you will see this screen:

  1. Please make sure to type your portal username in the Logon ID box
  2. Then type your portal password in the box below that and click logon
  3. A list will appear of your print jobs, click on the specific print job, and click print at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Your print job will go through the printer and the amount will be subtracted from your student print account.
Print Article


Article ID: 65182
Fri 10/12/18 3:10 PM
Tue 3/19/24 12:14 PM